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Recruitment videos

Tired of refreshing Indeed? Try recruiting the Life Media UK way.

Win the best new talent with a recruitment video

A great job ad is no longer enough. In today’s competitive recruitment landscape, you need to go the extra mile.

If you want to wow your candidates with a slick recruitment video that conveys your culture and leaves your competitors in the dust, we’ve got you covered.

Why video is the new way to recruit

To bag the best candidates for your role, you need to stand out.

Video allows you to bring your brand to the fore, by communicating your core values and showing applicants what you’re really about – without the fluffy benefits.

For job applicants overwhelmed with options, watching an immersive recruitment video will win out over a dry job description any day of the week, helping them get to know your business asap.

A great recruitment video will humanise your brand, and allow candidates to visualise themselves working for you. Add in the emotive power of social proof via authentic employee testimonials, and you’re on to a winner.

If that’s not enough to convince you, here’s 7 reasons why video is the most powerful recruitment tool out there…

Go beyond the welcome pack

Never underestimate the power of a great first impression! If you want to boost employee retention rates, start from day one.

With video, we can create a seamless onboarding experience, by introducing new starters to your team, values, brand and workspace before that all-important first day.

Communicating the things that really matter allows you to set the bar high before your new recruit even steps through the door; building the foundations for long-term loyalty.

Showcase your company culture through creative employer branding videos

Employer branding videos are a vital tool in communicating what makes your company unique and an attractive place to work. These videos give potential employees a real sense of your company culture and the values that are at the heart of everything you do.

Through vibrant and engaging employer branding videos, you can vividly showcase your work environment, employee interactions, and day-to-day activities. This not only helps in attracting talent who resonate with your vision and culture but also aids in retaining them by reinforcing the commitment to your core values.

By providing a transparent view into your company’s atmosphere and ethos, these videos help forge a strong emotional connection with current and prospective employees, making them feel aligned with your goals and excited to be a part of your journey.

Watch some we made earlier

explaining office culture


Recruitment video

Paramount wanted to express their values and culture through film – and we were only too happy to help

happy team at video shoot


Recruitment video

We worked with Noco to create a recruitment video which captures the fun and ambitious vibe at this high-end salon

cassie from thrive in testimonial video


Values video

We helped Thrive show their values as well as their employee experience with this series for International Womens Day


National Parks

Mission video

Explaining your mission has never been easier than via video – like this purpose-driven film for National Parks

curious universe

Curious Universe

Workplace promo

Put your team in the spotlight with a recruitment video that shows exactly what you’re about



Culture video

We filmed with Interaction to help boost their employer branding with a big, bold culture video

Attract & engage year-round

To attract great new team members and then keep them engaged, consistency is key.

Get ahead of the game with our Attract & Engage video package – designed to give you a constant supply of fresh content on tap, the Attract & Engage package is ideal for businesses who take talent seriously.

Starting from £500/month for 12 months of video content, you’ll have access to our professional video team whenever you need them, making content creation a breeze. Talk to us to get started.

Ready to get a recruitment video?

Just fill out the form below, and we’ll be in touch shortly
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“I’d absolutely recommend Life Media UK…

although part of me doesn’t want to, as I don’t want to give everyone else the competitive advantage on us!”

Laura Benton