Using video to introduce your brand to the world

6 Jun 2022 How to

How can you start to build a community of people who trust you? By communicating your brand to the world.

That’s the power of a brand – the instant feeling it can give someone. This can, of course, be either positive or negative, and the only way we as marketers can control this narrative is to communicate as effectively as we can.

Don’t forget, it’s not just start-ups that need to introduce their brand to the world; long-established businesses often need to re-introduce themselves in order to transform outdated misconceptions about their brand… or sometimes their entire industry

Video is a phenomenal tool for communication because of the way it can connect and resonate with an audience, delivering lots of emotion and information (and fast!).

When working with a video production company (like us!) it’s important you take the time to truly communicate the values, culture, vision and rules of your brand. Yes, these matter from a visual perspective, but they are equally as important to incorporate into the feel and tone of the video. 

At Life Media UK, we have a thorough process that we take each of our clients through – our fact-finding mission to get under the skin of your brand. It’s only through doing this work that can we produce video marketing content which fits seamlessly with your brand, amplifies and complements your current sales and marketing activities, and ultimately is something you can be truly proud of.

When it comes to communicating your brand, there are a number of videos that are worth producing…

Culture and Values Video

So what is a brand if it’s not the culture and values that drive a company, right? Communicating your culture and values is crucial when it comes to attracting the best talent, harnessing those A-grade clients, winning over investors and even collaborative partners. People like people like them, so by showing the world what your company is like, you drastically increase your chances of attracting them to work alongside you.  

Recruitment Video

A recruitment video is a similar to the culture and values video, but importantly it has a recruitment angle attached to it. The focus should be on employee experience and, where possible, employee stories and testimonials. What better way to explain what your brand is really about than by having one of your team speak with authentic passion? 

Process Video

Your brand also includes how you operate. How do you do things? What is the norm? A process video shines a light on the more practical side of a brand, and showcases how those cultures and value points really manifest themselves in the customer experience. In a service-based B2B world, process and service can actually be the only real differentiators when it comes to comparing you and a competitor. Remove the mystery and replace it with a story that puts the customer in the centre.

Check our our quick video blog to find out how to win customers back with a process video over in our Learn section.

Other video options…

Tik Tok videos, Instagram stories and informal video blogs are other key types of content that we know work really well when it comes to communicating your brand through video. These types of video don’t need to be overthought, and (as long as you execute them well) can do wonders for brand building. 

Looking for a video production company in Bristol or Manchester? Get in touch today!

We’ll work with you to understand your brand, explore the best strategies for communication, and then together we’ll execute a video marketing strategy that will nail the brief and get you results.