7 reasons why video will be the most powerful recruitment tool of 2022

11 Nov 2021 How to

The job market is incredibly competitive right now – there are currently around 5 vacancies per applicant, the UK market officially hit 1,000,000 vacancies, and we’ve got the lowest level of unemployment in the whole of Europe.

Things aren’t looking like they’ll change any time soon, so how do you attract the best candidates in a sea of competition?

You guessed it; video.

In a world where applicants are spoilt for choice, there are more factors at play than salary and start date. Here’s 7 ways that video can help you stand out:


When recruiting in 2022, communicating your values will be essential. Values are key attractor for potential new employees, particularly those from younger generations, who expect brands to be upfront about their core beliefs. Video allows you to show your values in an honest and engaging way, by giving an authentic glimpse into your business.


Applicants are also placing increasing importance on ethics indicators, like diversity. Video is a really natural way to show the diversity of gender, race and ability within your organisation, without feeling like tokenism; video subtly spotlights the people who actually work for you.


Is your working environment fast-paced and creative, or peaceful and contemplative? We can use video to reflect the tone and pace of your workplace, in a way that other forms of media simply can’t.


Today, reviews can make or break a brand – so testimonials are the way to win. Capturing staff testimonials on film gives you a powerful way for candidates to relate to your team, and to get to know the people who love working with you.


When your job vacancy is one small listing on a very long webpage, the more human you can make it seem, the more likely applicants are to warm to you. Video gives you the opportunity to humanise your listing, allowing people to visualise themselves in that role. We can also use video to humanise you as a recruiter, showing candidates that there’s a real person at the other end of their application – and helping them to feel a little more ready for that all-important interview.


Being upfront about your organisation, your vacancy and your culture means that you’re more likely to attract the right kind of candidates, which makes for better interviews, better employees, and better retention rates. Creating a testimonial video can also help support retention within your current team, as it helps to remind people what they really love about their job, and gives them content to share and feel proud of.


Your new recruitment video goes further than just Indeed. A great brand film can be used to bolster internal comms, create richer website content, deliver compelling social media campaigns and even support awards entries. We’re all about helping our clients to get the most mileage out of their videos, so talk to our team about how we can support your overall marketing strategy through consistent content creation.


Lastly, video gives you the chance to inspire your applicants, and to be seen as a brand that gets your employees excited about coming to work every day. In a competitive job market, it’s these emotive intangibles that will beat the half-hearted perks any day of the week – and video brings them to life perfectly.

Getting started with your own recruitment video is easy – just talk to our friendly team today, or take a look at what we can do here.