How construction companies can use video marketing

23 Mar 2023 How to

Did you know that 90% of customers say video has helped them to decide to make a purchase, and 88% of B2B buyers say that in the last 3 three months, they have watched videos to learn about a company’s products or services!

If you’re a construction company looking to attract new clients and increase brand awareness, video marketing should sit right at the heart of your marketing strategy. In this article, we’ll explore the importance of video marketing for construction companies, and we’ll give you five clever ways to use video showcase your expertise, differentiate yourselves from your competitors, and build trust with potential clients.

Whether you’re a small construction company looking to expand your reach or a larger company looking to increase your marketing efforts, read on to learn how video marketing can help you hit your goals…

Why is video marketing essential for construction companies?

Video marketing is essential for construction companies for the following reasons:

1. Building trust with potential clients

Construction companies can use videos to build trust with potential clients by using video to demonstrate your expertise and professionalism. The authenticity of a professional video can help potential clients feel more comfortable and confident in choosing your company, and can also showcase social proof to legitimise your service claims.

2. Increasing website traffic and engagement

Videos are a powerful tool for increasing website traffic and engagement. You could do this through videos that share construction tips and insights, or provide behind-the-scenes glimpses into your work. By embedding these videos into your website, you can increase the time potential clients spend on your site and improve your SEO, too.

3. Increased social media engagement

Video content performs better on social media platforms than other types of content. Fact! By creating shareable and informative videos, you can increase your social media engagement and attract new leads through these valuable channels.

4. Providing a competitive edge

Video marketing can help you stand out as a construction company by showcasing your unique selling points. For example, you may specialise in sustainable building practices or have a unique approach to project management; these USPs can be amplified in video form.

How can a construction company use video marketing?

With these key reasons in mind, here are five ways that construction companies can use video marketing; 

1. To showcase completed projects

By creating a video highlighting the finished project, you can give potential clients a detailed look at your past construction projects and the quality of your work.

2. Demonstrate your expertise

Construction companies can use video marketing to demonstrate expertise; for example, you can create videos explaining complex construction processes or highlight the safety protocols that you follow. By doing so, you can build trust with potential clients and position your team as experts in your field.

3. Provide virtual tours

More and more construction companies are using video marketing to provide virtual tours of construction sites. By creating a video that shows the project’s progress, you can keep clients informed and engaged throughout the construction process, as well as giving walkthrough tours of completed projects.

4. Share construction tips 

You can leverage video marketing to share tips and insights on construction practices. By creating videos that educate potential clients on the construction process, you can position your team as thought leaders and build trust with your audience.

5. Highlight company culture

Many construction companies use video marketing to showcase their company culture; by creating a video highlighting the company’s values, mission, and culture, you differentiate yourself from your competitors and attract clients who share your values.

Start marketing with video

Video marketing is a great way for construction companies to showcase expertise and services, build trust with potential clients, increase website traffic and engagement, and stand out from competitors. By working with a video marketing agency, you can create high-quality videos that effectively communicate your message and achieve your marketing goals.

At Life Media UK, we specialize in creating custom video marketing solutions for construction companies of all sizes. Our team of experts has over a decade of experience creating high-quality videos that showcase construction projects, explain complex concepts, and build trust with potential clients.

If you’d like to see what video could do for your business, get in touch or book a call today.