3 Key Factors When Filming Your Videos

22 Aug 2017 How to

In this post we’ll be exploring 3 key areas which are crucial when it comes to filming your own videos. Once you nail these, you’ll be well on your way to shooting and editing some awesome video marketing content.

3 Key Elements

1. Equipment

Gotta get the equipment right bro. Seriously. You don’t need to spend a fortune but having the right equipment can make all the difference when shooting your videos. Start with your camera phone and a cheap tripod. No-one wants a shaky video and a tripod will make everything look much more slick. Next, get a decent plug in microphone – this is super important. You know when you’re trying to listen to someone talk and you can’t quite hear them, you tend to lean forward and squint. Squint?! Why squint? Well when you can’t hear something, we focus less on seeing. These same principles apply to video; if the sound is horrible, has an echo or is simply poor quality, the viewer will either not pay attention or click off. Once you have a microphone, invest in simple light. A nice roto light will look beautiful!

2. Strategy

We can all start filming and pushing out video content, and at the beginning that’s fine. However, it is always a good idea to have a strategy. Simple things like, know who you’re targeting, schedule your content and be consistent with delivering your videos. You don’t want to be that company who sporadically puts out video with no real purpose or aim. Which brings me on to another crucial point… what is the purpose of your video? Figure out what you will do, when and how.

3. Repurpose

You’ve worked hard, you’ve kitted yourself out with the right equipment, you implemented a strategy and you’ve filmed your first video! Yay!  But wait, this also means you’ve got a gif, a meme, a blog post etc. Can you shorten your video into segments? Boom, you’ve now got even more video. Export the audio, now you’ve got an audio file to download. One video is more than just one piece of content. Repurpose your video as much as possible with the intent of driving your audience to the film and amplifying your message as much as possible.

And there you have it. Three things you need to be thinking about when embarking on your adventure into video marketing. If you want to find out more about how video can help your business head to our recent blog post, 5 Reasons Why Video is a Really Good Idea or check out our YouTube page.