A palatial project for Bristol Royal Proclamation

16 Nov 2023 Clients

We were thrilled to have been selected by the Under Sheriff of Bristol, on behalf of Buckingham Palace, to take part in a very special project; Bristol Royal Proclamation.

The Proclamation is a royal public announcement of the new monarch. Traditionally, this takes place at four sites across Bristol, with a procession featuring key representatives of the Crown and the city.

The Under Sheriff James Myatt reached out to Life Media UK to capture a series of films as part of the Bristol Royal Proclamation event. The whole project was 5 years in the making, and involved filming interviews with key figures, recording the procession route and capturing other key information on film, in preparation of the eventual proclamation of King Charles III. The website which plays home to the series of videos was designed by our friends at Noisy Little Monkey.

We were honoured to be selected to be part of this prestigious and historic project, and to be able to support the project through videos.