Stop Making Videos for Yourself

30 Oct 2017 Vlog

So I don’t really understand when people don’t do this, ’cause it’s so important, but you’ve got to do your research. Do not produce content just for you, whether that’s videos or blogs, or whatever else it is, don’t produce content just for you. Just because you think it’s the right thing, just because you think, well this is what my customers want to hear, it’s so simple, just do the research. Ask your customers. Send out a really short, four-question questionnaire to figure out why they’re attracted to you in the first place, the biggest problems or concerns that they have, or the favourite part, like solutions that you can provide, and you can offer. And then you can create your video content around that, so you can speak to potential clients who are just like them, who face the same problems, you have the same likes and dislikes. And that kind of content is gonna resonate way more than you just literally throwing something in the wind and hoping it works. Do the research. It’s so important, and it’s so easy. And just using that one tip, you’re gonna produce way better video content than just making it up as you go along.

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